Thursday, September 16, 2010

Using OpenDNS as your default DNS in Debian

What's OpenDNS : . To use OpenDNS as your default DNS resolution in Debian type the following commands with root privileges:

cp /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf.orig
echo -e "\n# Using OpenDNS as your default DNS -" >> /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
echo "prepend domain-name-servers,;" >> /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf

ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0

Pay attention to "Privacy issues, conflicts and Google redirection" on the wikipediapage .

Flash Player "Square" Preview Release

Adobe® Flash® Player "Square" is a preview release that enables native 64-bit support on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows operating systems, as well as enhanced support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 beta. That's good news ! 
Download and install the Flash Player "Square" preview release .
First remove nspluginwrapper and flashplayer-mozilla, after that I move to ~/.mozilla/plugins ( I compile firefox myself ). Or move it to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins.
Can confirm that it works with less CPU usage !

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Rebuilt libcairo2_1.8.10-4_amd64.deb

To have better font rendering with iceweasel I decided to rebuild libcairo2 according to this page : ...davidturner... It was a great success !
No need to patch libxft2 and libfreetype6.

Installing Nvidia Driver

For a howto read from here on this page : ...NvidiaGraphicsDrivers... By default Debian comes with a stock kernel : uname -r gives me 2.6.32-5-amd64. You will need module-assistant and nvidia-kernel-common : apt-get install module-assistant nvidia-kernel-common . After that you run the following command m-a auto-install nvidia-kernel${VERSION}-source . And that will be all to build the nvidia kernel module !
After that you will need to install the X driver and user-space libraries package : apt-get install nvidia-glx${VERSION} .
I use the same xorg.conf as on my old computer !

Debian Squeeze 64 bit

With space enough on my harddisk after reinstalling Windows 7 I could easily make a new partition and install Debian Squeeze 64 bit.
Get a netinstall image from and after the first installation of the bare essentials I did a apt-get install xorg kdm kdebase .
( instead of using kdebase you could also use kde-plasma-desktop).
Gnome users : apt-get install xorg gdm gnome-core.
Add the following lines to /etc/apt/apt.conf :

APT::Install-Recommends "0";
APT::Install-Suggests "0";

A New Computer

I recently bought a new computer from a local Aldi supermarket, it's a Medion Akoya E4360D.
For a review have a look at : 

It came with Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit Dutch version, and surprise, surprise, they divided the whole harddisk into four primary partitions, two of which were hidden ( no drive letter assigned ).

So here is what I did : I backupped my activation with ABR ( Activation Backup and Restore ) :  .
I also downloaded a ( legal ) copy of 64 bit Windows 7 English version : ( go down to ISO method ).
After that I could wipe out the whole harddisk and start all over again, making my own partitions !